Wednesday, December 1, 2010

USH&G 11R HW Sheet 11/30

* Every assignment must be IN YOUR OWN WORDS!
* Please put the assignment number on EVERY assignment you hand in!

Thursday, 12/2- Assignment #6:
- Read p. 304 - 331
- Answer “Main Ideas” #1- 8 (p. 334)

Monday, 12/6- Assignment #7:
- Read p. 338 - 356
- Answer “Main Ideas” # 1 - 4 (p. 372)

Friday, 12/10- Assignment #8:
- Read p. 357 - 371
- Answer “Main Ideas” # 5 - 7 (p. 372)

Thursday, 12/16- Assignment #9:
- Read p. 376 – 401
- Answer “Main Ideas” #1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9

Monday, 12/20- 2nd Quarter Project
- Read p. 324 -371 for project background
- Hand in “Civil War & Reconstruction Journal” Project
** Counts as Project grade**

Civil War Journal- 2nd Quarter Project Grade

The Civil War was an event in American history that encompassed not only battles but also the minds and actions of the entire country. Soldiers and civilians played integral roles in the war effort for both the Union and the Confederacy.

Your Task:
Your task is to write a journal or a series of letters from the point of view of one of these individuals. You can be a Union or Confederate soldier (infantry, general, etc.), a civilian (man or woman, black or white), a slave just freed or still in bondage, a foreigner with an outside view, or any other individual in the United States during the war. You can have it from one point of view or you can write correspondence between two individuals with different views. Your journal should start with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter (Entry #1). The four other entries are around events of your choice.

You are to write about your feelings and expectations of the war, but they are to be set in fact. You need to research events that have occurred during the war to center around your journal entries. MAKE IT CREATIVE!

Your Facts:
Your facts need to be taken from appropriate Internet web sites, books, and reference materials. Each journal entry should have at LEAST 2 outside sources. Use both primary sources (diaries from soldiers/ civilians, newspaper articles from the time, etc.) and secondary sources (textbooks, books from today, etc.).

Your bibliography and citations should be written in the Chicago style, found at:
-You will use the one under “B” for bibliography.


1) Five (5) one-page entries in your journal:
They need to focus on 5 major events in the Civil War. They should be set up in a diary or letters between two individuals.

2) Bibliography
This bibliography needs to have EVERY SOURCE you used to gather your facts. Use the Chicago Style of writing a bibliography (use the web site above).

**UNIT TEST: Civil War & Reconstruction- Wednesday, 12/22

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