Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Global 9H HW Sheet 11/30

November 29 - December 8

*Put assignment number on EACH assignment.
*Assignments are due on the day LISTED on this sheet.
*If you are absent the day the assignment is due, it is expected that you turn the assignment in before homeroom on the day you return to school. After that it is considered late.
*Late assignments lose 10 points for EACH DAY late.
*Homework passes must be handed in on THE DAY the assignment is due.

Wed. 12/1 (2)/ Thurs. 12/2 (1)- HW #3
- Read p. 43- 45, 62-68
- Answer #1-3 on p. 45
- Answer #1 & 2 on p. 68

Fri. 12/3 (2)/ Mon. 12/6 (1)- HW #4
- Read p. 69-86
- Answer #1& 2 on p. 75
- Answer #1-3 on p. 80
- Answer #3 & 5 on p. 86

Tues. 12/7 (2)/ Wed. 12/8 (1)- HW #5
- Read p. 88 – 107
- Answer #2 & 3 on p. 95
- Answer #2 & 3 on p. 99
- Answer #1 & 3 on p. 107
- Create a chart of the 4 Hellenistic Philosophies (Include: Founder, major ideas & terms, the year if it’s given)

QUIZ: Ancient Greece & the Hellenistic Age ____________

Greek Polis Project Due Date: ____________________

For this project, you will be researching an actual Greek polis (city-state), as well as creating a Greek polis of your own. This will help you to better understand the Greek polis, its religion, and how important the polis was in every day Greek life.

This project has of five main components. What is expected for each section is as follows:

You will research one polis from Ancient Greece. In your research, you should find the location of the polis, its population, to which god it was dedicated, the basic layout of the polis, important people, its class structure and any keys facts about its history from 2000- 300 BCE.
- This should be 1 ½ - 2 pages typed, double-spaced, in 12 point Times new Roman font with
1” margins.
poleis: Olympia, Thebes, Delphi, Corinth, Eretia, Chacis, Syracuse, Ephesus, Miletus, Messene, Argos, Sparta

You will create and illustrate you own polis. This polis should contain all the features of a Greek polis. Here are some general guidelines for you to follow:
- a large wall or natural barrier
- an acropolis: include a temple to your main god/goddess of the city-state
- an agora: this includes the market place, temples, gymnasium, theater, homes, etc.
- Each feature should be clearly labeled, either on the feature or with a line pointing to it.
***Put forth your best effort. You will be graded on effort & creativity, NOT artistic ability.***

You are also to create your own original god/goddess for your polis. Once you have created the god/goddess, you need to create a myth revolving around him/her, showing how your polis is involved. Keep the god & myth school appropriate. The myth should:
- explain some natural phenomenon or occurrence caused by the god
(Ex. The rising and setting of the sun, life and death, seasonal changes, volcano, etc.)
- explain how it relates to your polis and why your people worship this god/goddess
- any particular trait your god/goddess possesses
Should be 1 ½ -2 pages long, typed, double-spaced, in 12 point TNR font with 1” margins.

You will present your polis, myth, and god/goddess to the class. You will be graded on how you present the material and the detail used in the creation of the myth and the city-state.

All sources should be cited using the Chicago Manual of Style, found at

**You may work alone or with one partner. If nothing is accomplished in class, I reserve the right to break up the partnership using our own discretion.

DUE DATE: ____________________________

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