Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Global 9H HW Sheet for Jan. 4-22

Global 9H Assignment Sheet January 4 - 22

*Put assignment number on EACH assignment.
*Assignments are due on the day LISTED on this sheet.
*If you are absent the day the assignment is due, it is expected that you turn the assignment in before homeroom on the day you return to school. After that it is considered late.
*Late assignments lose 10 points for EACH DAY late.
*Homework passes must be handed in on THE DAY the assignment is due.

Wed. 1/6 (1)/ Thurs. 1/7 (2): HW #11
•Read p. 130 - 142
- Answer #1 & 2 (p. 135)
- Answer #2 (p. 142)
- Use the readings (p. 130-142) & the map on p. 140. Create a chart entitled “The Fall of the Roman Empire.” Make AT LEAST 4 columns in the chart. In each column, give the major reason for Rome’s fall and a DETAILED explanation for each.

Tues. 1/12 (1) & Wed. 1/13 (2)
UNIT TEST: Ancient Greece & Ancient Rome
- Multiple Choice questions, matching, map, DBQ Essay

Thurs. 1/14 (1)/ Fri. 1/15 (2): HW #12 & 13
* No HW Passes can be used for this assignment!
• Complete “Mid Term Review Packet”

Tues. 1/19 (1) / Wed. 1/20 (2): MID TERM EXAM PART I

Thurs. 1/21 (1)/ Fri. 1/22 (2): MID TERM EXAM PART II
-Test Includes: Multiple Choice & ______ Essay

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