Tuesday, February 3, 2009

USH&G HW Sheet 2/3 - 2/13

SANGER US 11R HW sheet for 2/3 – 2/13

**Please put the assignment number on EVERY assignment you hand in!

- Reminder: Tues., 2/3: Captains of Industry vs. Robber Barons Web Quest

Thursday, 2/5 Assignment #2
- Read p. 468 – 477
- Answer these questions:
1) a) What is a “political machine?”
b) Describe how it works.
c) Describe the rise & fall of the Tammany Hall (Boss Tweed) ring.
2) Describe the reforms to the spoil system made by Presidents Hayes,
Garfield, and Arthur.
- Answer “Analyzing Political Cartoons” # 1-2 on p. 475

Monday 2/9, QUIZ- The Gilded Age (monopolies, business practices, gov’t & business, Captains of Industry & Robber Barons, new immigration, urbanization, labor unions, Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Populist movement, etc.)

Tuesday, 2/10 Assignment #3
- Read p. 548 - 571
- Answer “Main Ideas” #1-10 on p. 574

Thursday 2/12, QUIZ- American Expansionism & Imperialism (lands gained, causes & effects of Spanish-American War, yellow journalism, Alfred Mahan, Treaty of Paris, Cuba, the Philipines, Roosevelt’s policies, Wilson’s policies)

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