Tuesday, November 22, 2011

APUSH Assignment Sheet 11/22/11

For Tuesday, 11/29:
- Read p. 259-271 (skip p. 268-269) from Chapter 9, Jacksonian Democracy
- Take notes as you read! (Use Essentials Sheet)
-Read documents “A Letter to Countess de Tocqueville (1831)” by Alexis de Tocqueville, and “President Jackson on Indian Removal, 1830”
- Continue your work on “The Trial of Andrew Jackson”
- Complete Corrections for UNIT EXAM and Ch. 6 QUIZ.
 Corrections are to be done as follows:
1. Write out the question.
2. Write out ONLY the correct answer.
3. Give a 2-4 sentence explanation of the answer. For this, you should not be explaining why you got the question wrong. You should explain the background to the correct answer or explain the connection between the question and the correct answer.

For Thursday, 12/1:
- Complete The Impeachment of Andrew Jackson Web Quest from
- Be ready to make your argument and answer any challenges to your arguments! Remember, you will have a 4-minute presentation with 2 minutes of questioning from the opposition!
- Complete your “Position Outline”: a 2-3 page, double-spaced, typed paper of your argument, including quotes from appropriate primary sources, that you will use in your part of the group presentation of your position, pro or con, on the particular impeachment article to which you have been assigned.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

APUSH- Acts toward Revolution 9/26/11

After the French & Indian War, Britain fell into great debt. In an effort to ease the burden created by defending the colonies, the British, under Prime Minister Lord Grenville and others, issued the following acts to tax the colonists. Use the following links to research these acts. Some links have the act and an explanation, some just have the act. Your job is to do further research with these sites and on the web(or from your notes) to answer the following questions for each. Put the answers in your notebook.

1) When was the act written/passed?
2) What does the act do/ meant to do?
3) What was the colonial reaction to the act?

Proclamation of 1763(only read the first 3 paragraphs)

Sugar Act

Currency Act

Stamp Act (read only #1, #42-45, and #46. #1-41 all pertain to different forms of paper. You get the point.)
**Answer this for #42-44 of the Stamp Act: Why do you think this particular tax was levied?

Quartering Act(read to "II" only)

Townshend Acts(Read down to "IV")

Thursday, June 9, 2011

AP US History Survey Link

Please click on the link below and take this survey if you took my AP US History class in the 2010-2011 school year.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

PartiGov- First Amendment in history and modern society Web Links

I. “The History of the First Amendment,” Illinois First Amendment Fact Center

II. “The Freedom of Information Act,” The National Security Archive

III. “Times Topics: Wikileaks,” The New York Times

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

USH& G HW Sheet 3/9-3/29

**PLEASE use THIS HEADING on every assignment you hand in:
Name Date
Assignment # and specifics
* All assignments MUST be written in your own words!

Friday, 3/11- HW #3:
-Read p. 576 – 601
• Answer “Main Ideas” # 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 (p. 612)

Tuesday, 3/15- HW #4:
-Read p. 602-611
• Answer “Main Ideas” # 7 & 8 (p. 612)
• Answer “Thinking Critically” #1 (p. 611)
• Answer “Thinking Critically” #1 (p. 607)

Monday, 3/21- HW #5:
-Read p. 618-633
• Answer “Main Ideas” #1, 2, 5, 6 (p. 636)

Wednesday, 3/23- HW #6:
-Read p. 638-663
• Answer “Main Ideas” #1, 2, 6, 7, 8 (p.666)

Friday, 3/25- HW #7:
-Read p. 668-689
• Answer “Main Ideas” #1, 2, 3, 5, 6 (p. 690)

Tuesday, 3/29- HW #8:
-Read p. 694-715, 721-727
• Answer “Main Ideas” #1, 2, 9, 10

The Golden Age of Islam

Although it is unlikely that we will ever know if the Muslims played a role in the development of the telescope, there are several well-documented artistic and scientific accomplishments that were either discovered or perfected during The Golden Age of Islam (750-1100). During this time, Islamic scholars translated and studied Greek, Indian and Persian texts, helping to further investigations in the areas of math, science, medicine, and the arts. The Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution in Europe drew upon the discoveries and contributions made by the Muslims in these fields, yet these Muslim accomplishments often remain unappreciated.


To all the Writing Staff of Arts & Sciences Magazine:

The editors at Arts & Sciences Magazine are delighted that Time Magazine has chosen Albert Einstein as "Person of the Twentieth Century." We feel that often history overlooks the importance of scientists, mathematicians, and artists in changing the direction of civilization. Arts & Sciences Magazine would like to run a feature on all the people who have contributed to the fields of science and mathematics for the last 1000 years.

To begin this project, the editors want the staff to begin researching the contributions made by Muslims during the Golden Age of Islam (750-1100). They feel the best approach would be to break into teams that investigate the various fields, and then submit presentations about the people and contributions of the Islamic World during this time. The editors will then ask the writers to present their findings in order to chose who they might feature as the "Person of the Century" for these years in scientific history.

Editors of Arts & Sciences Magazine


Your team is responsible for researching the various scientific accomplishments made during the Golden Age of the Islam. You will be assigned one or two of these fields of study: Geometry, Algebra, Medicine, Astronomy, Art and Architecture. You will research that field of study using individualized questionnaires that will guide your data collection process. That information will be used to prepare a presentation. For this presentation you may utilize a variety of multimedia tools. This could include a Power Point presentation, a Web Page, or a documentary video.


It is your responsibility to research the topic thoroughly. You will need to collect the sources from a variety of places. Be sure you understand the definition of your topic. Choose a GROUP LEADER and a GROUP SECRETARY. It is the job of the Group Leader to keep everyone on task and make sure people stick to their work. It is the job of the Group Secretary to keep attendance for the group and keep track of all the groups' work in one place.

Individual questionnaires for each topic.

Begin by reading all the questions. You will find that the information is located in several places, so you will need to keep them in mind while either visiting the Web sites or reading over printed material.

Record any interesting information even if it doesn't fit into one of the questions.

Fill the answers out in your own words so that you can use it either for the written report or the presentation.

Islamic Geometry (Geometric Art) Questions

Why is geometry important to the religion of Islam?

When did the Muslims perfect geometry and geometric art?

Has geometric art left an impact on the world today?

What is the repeat unit of design?

In what specific buildings would you be sure to find examples of geometric art?

What feature of a mosque would be decorated with geometric designs?

Describe the geometry used to design the Taj Mahal.

Why is geometry important to our world today?

What individual Muslims excelled in the area of geometry?

Islamic Algebra Questions

How might "the science of balancing and restoration" be important to the Islamic faith?

When did the Muslims advance the world's knowledge of algebra?

What is one of the most basic concepts of algebra that was developed by the Arabs?

What basic concepts of algebra were developed by the Muslims?

What Muslim was famous for his work in advancing algebra? What did he do?

Who benefited from al- Khwarizmi's translation of Algebra in the early 13th century?

What famous Italian mathematician was influenced by al-Khwarizmi's work in algebra?

What other contribution did the Muslims make to the field of mathematics?

How is algebra used today?

Islamic Medicine Questions

What is the connection of medicine to the Islamic religion? (Hint: remember The Third Pillar of Faith)

How did Al-Razi contribute to the field of medicine?

What book was Ibn Sina famous for writing? What was it about?

When did the improvements in medicine take place?

What were some of the specific improvements the Muslims made to hospitals?

What were some of the other benefits made to medicine by the Muslims?

Who was a famous Muslim "doctor"? What did he do?

Why are these improvements important to us today?

Islamic Astronomy Questions

What is the connection between the religion of Islam and the changing phases of the moon?

When were the major advances in astronomy made by the Muslims?

What is an astrolabe?

What did Muslim astronomers think about the Ptolemic system of astronomy ?

What famous Western astronomers built upon Muslim observations and theories about the system of the universe?

Why are the contributions important to our present day understanding of astronomy?

Who benefited from the astronomical research done by the Muslims?

Who was one of the most notable Muslims astronomers? What did he discover?

Why is astronomy important to our world today?

Islamic Art Questions

What are the different time periods (and names of those periods) that make up Islamic art?

What are the different types of artwork in the Islamic world?

What is not shown in Muslim art? Why?

What is patronage? What was its importance in the world of Muslim art?

Are there any famous Muslim artists? Who are they and what did they create?

Which other civilizations influenced Muslim art?

How did Muslim art change through the different empires/ caliphates? Discuss the different caliphates and changes.

Islamic Architecture Questions

What makes architecture Muslim? What other civilizations influenced Muslim architecture?

What are the distinctive features of Muslim architecture?

Where can prominent Muslim architecture be found? What are the buildings?

What is patronage? What was its importance in the world of Muslim architecture?

Are there any famous Muslim architects? Who are they and what did they create?

Which other civilizations influenced Muslim architecture?

How did Muslim architecture change through the different empires/ caliphates? Discuss the different caliphates and changes.


Background- All groups

Golden Age of Islam

The Zakat

How Islam Influenced Science


Classical Roots of the Scientific Revolution

The Origins of Algebra

List of Arabic Mathematicians

Highlights in the History of Algebra


Symmetrical Patterns at the Alhambra

Dome of the Rock

Islam and Islamic History in Arabia - Mosque

Islam, Knowledge, and Science

History of Geometry


Greek Astronomy

Islamic Astronomy

Islam, Knowledge, and Science

Muslim, Scientists, Mathematicians and Astronomers


Arabic (or Islamic) Influence on the Historical Development of Medicine

Arab Roots of European Medicine

Islam, Knowledge, and Science - Medical Sciences

Islam and Islamic History in Arabia and The Middle East

Medicine in Medieval Islam


LA Country Museum of Art: Islamic Art and time periods

Origins of Islamic Art

Metropolitan Museum of Art: Islamic Art Collection

Islamic Art, Music, and Architecture around the world

Islamic Art & Architecture Organization


Islamic Architecture

Islamic Art, Music, and Architecture around the world

Arab & Islamic Architecture

Islamic Architectural Study at Columbia University

Islamic Architecture tutorial

Islamic Art & Architecture Organization


Hanes, William Travis. World History: Continuity and Change. New York: Holt Rinehart, and Winston, 1999.

Assortment of books in the ICC library and beyond




Your research and presentation will be evaluated with a rubric. You will receive this in class.

Make sure to keep track of ALL the resources you use. You will have to make a bibliography using the Chicago-Style (a link to this guide is located in the top right corner of this web page).

Adapted from http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/activity/rosen_islamic_science/#process