Tuesday, December 23:
Assignment #8: Reconstruction Station Activity is due!
UNIT TEST: Civil War & Reconstruction on TUESDAY, 12/23!
Make sure you hand in your CIVIL WAR JOURNAL PROJECT by the time you leave for break on Tuesday, 12/23!
Have a safe and happy Christmas Vacation! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Mr. Sanger
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Global History 9RS Homework sheet for 12/1 - 12/12
December 1 - 12
**All work must be completed in full sentences**
Due Thursday, December 4 – ASSIGNMENT #4 & 5 (double grade)
- Finish Greek Achievements DBQ Essay
Due Monday, December 8 – ASSIGNMENT #6
- Complete “Vocab. Review” p. 138 1-8
Due Wednesday, December 10 – ASSIGNMENT #7
- Complete “A Geog. View of History” p. 142 1-6
- Complete “SkillBuilder: Interpreting a Diagram” p. 146
Due Friday, December 12 – ASSIGNMENT #8
- Read p. 150-151 (paragraphs 13-15)
- Write a few paragraphs IN YOUR OWN WORDS Explaining the things that Romans did for entertainment and fun.
**All work must be completed in full sentences**
Due Thursday, December 4 – ASSIGNMENT #4 & 5 (double grade)
- Finish Greek Achievements DBQ Essay
Due Monday, December 8 – ASSIGNMENT #6
- Complete “Vocab. Review” p. 138 1-8
Due Wednesday, December 10 – ASSIGNMENT #7
- Complete “A Geog. View of History” p. 142 1-6
- Complete “SkillBuilder: Interpreting a Diagram” p. 146
Due Friday, December 12 – ASSIGNMENT #8
- Read p. 150-151 (paragraphs 13-15)
- Write a few paragraphs IN YOUR OWN WORDS Explaining the things that Romans did for entertainment and fun.
Monday, December 1, 2008
US History HW Sheet for 12/1- 12/19
SANGER US 11R HW sheet for 12/1 – 12/19
Please put the assignment number on EVERY assignment you hand in!
Wednesday, 12/3: Assignment #5:
Read p. 324 – 331
p. 334: Complete “Terms & Names” #1-10
Friday, 12/5: Assignment #6:
Read p. 338 – 371
Create a timeline of 10 important events (battles, speeches, gatherings,etc.) **This must span the ENTIRE war!**
Each event must have a 1-2 sentence explanation so it makes sense TO YOU!
Thursday 12/11: 2nd Quarter Project
Read p. 324 -371 for project background
Hand in “Civil War Journal” Project: The expectations for the project are below this homework sheet.
** Counts as Project grade**
**No HW Passes can be used for this**
Wednesday, 12/17: Assignment #7:
Read p. 376 – 401
Answer the following questions:
1) Compare and contrast the plans for Reconstruction of President Lincoln, President Johnson, & the Radical Republicans.
2) Define and explain the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.
3) Explain the challenges faced by newly freed African Americans (Think: education, laws they faced, and their economic situation)
4) Why & how did the South oppose Reconstruction? Give examples.
5) Explain how the presidential Election of 1876 ended Reconstruction.
Friday, 12/19: UNIT TEST: Civil War & Reconstruction
USH&G 11- Sanger Civil War Journal- 2nd Quarter Project Grade
The Civil War was an event in American history that encompassed not only battles but also the minds and actions of the entire country. Soldiers and civilians played integral roles in the war effort for both the Union and the Confederacy.
Your Task:
Your task is to write a journal or a series of letters from the point of view of one of these individuals. You can be a Union or Confederate soldier (infantry, general, etc.), a civilian (man or woman, black or white), or a slave just freed or still in bondage. You can have it from one viewpoint or you can write correspondence between two individuals with different views. Your journal should start with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter (Entry #1). The four other entries are around events of your choice.
You are to write about your feelings and expectations of the war, but they are to be set in fact. You need to research events that have occurred during the war to center around your journal entries. MAKE IT CREATIVE!
Your Facts:
Your facts need to be taken from appropriate Internet web sites, books, and reference materials. Each journal entry should have at LEAST 2 outside sources. Use both primary sources (diaries from soldiers/ civilians, newspaper articles from the time, etc.) and secondary sources (textbooks, books from today, etc.).
Your bibliography and citations should be written in the Chicago style, found at: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.htmlYou will use the one under “B” for bibliography.
1) Five (5) one-page entries in your journal:
They need to focus on 5 major events in the Civil War. They should be set up in a diary or letters between two individuals.
2) Bibliography
This bibliography needs to have EVERY SOURCE you used to gather your facts. Use the Chicago Style of writing a bibliography (use the web site above).
Please put the assignment number on EVERY assignment you hand in!
Wednesday, 12/3: Assignment #5:
Read p. 324 – 331
p. 334: Complete “Terms & Names” #1-10
Friday, 12/5: Assignment #6:
Read p. 338 – 371
Create a timeline of 10 important events (battles, speeches, gatherings,etc.) **This must span the ENTIRE war!**
Each event must have a 1-2 sentence explanation so it makes sense TO YOU!
Thursday 12/11: 2nd Quarter Project
Read p. 324 -371 for project background
Hand in “Civil War Journal” Project: The expectations for the project are below this homework sheet.
** Counts as Project grade**
**No HW Passes can be used for this**
Wednesday, 12/17: Assignment #7:
Read p. 376 – 401
Answer the following questions:
1) Compare and contrast the plans for Reconstruction of President Lincoln, President Johnson, & the Radical Republicans.
2) Define and explain the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.
3) Explain the challenges faced by newly freed African Americans (Think: education, laws they faced, and their economic situation)
4) Why & how did the South oppose Reconstruction? Give examples.
5) Explain how the presidential Election of 1876 ended Reconstruction.
Friday, 12/19: UNIT TEST: Civil War & Reconstruction
USH&G 11- Sanger Civil War Journal- 2nd Quarter Project Grade
The Civil War was an event in American history that encompassed not only battles but also the minds and actions of the entire country. Soldiers and civilians played integral roles in the war effort for both the Union and the Confederacy.
Your Task:
Your task is to write a journal or a series of letters from the point of view of one of these individuals. You can be a Union or Confederate soldier (infantry, general, etc.), a civilian (man or woman, black or white), or a slave just freed or still in bondage. You can have it from one viewpoint or you can write correspondence between two individuals with different views. Your journal should start with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter (Entry #1). The four other entries are around events of your choice.
You are to write about your feelings and expectations of the war, but they are to be set in fact. You need to research events that have occurred during the war to center around your journal entries. MAKE IT CREATIVE!
Your Facts:
Your facts need to be taken from appropriate Internet web sites, books, and reference materials. Each journal entry should have at LEAST 2 outside sources. Use both primary sources (diaries from soldiers/ civilians, newspaper articles from the time, etc.) and secondary sources (textbooks, books from today, etc.).
Your bibliography and citations should be written in the Chicago style, found at: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.htmlYou will use the one under “B” for bibliography.
1) Five (5) one-page entries in your journal:
They need to focus on 5 major events in the Civil War. They should be set up in a diary or letters between two individuals.
2) Bibliography
This bibliography needs to have EVERY SOURCE you used to gather your facts. Use the Chicago Style of writing a bibliography (use the web site above).
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Global 9RS Project & Unit Test!
Global 9RS- Ancient Civilizations Project
Introduction: Thursday, 10/23
Work in library in class: Thursday, 10/23 & Monday, 10/27
Project & presentation due: Wednesday, 10/29
For more details on the project, use the sheet you received in class. If you need another, get one in Mr. Sanger's room (227) or Mr. Pemberton's room (308).
Global 9RS Unit Exam- Ancient River Valley Civilizations
(Egypt, the Hebrews, Mesopotamia, China, India, Hinduism & Buddhism)
Review in class: Monday, 10/27
Test: Friday, 10/31
Make sure you are ready for both!
Introduction: Thursday, 10/23
Work in library in class: Thursday, 10/23 & Monday, 10/27
Project & presentation due: Wednesday, 10/29
For more details on the project, use the sheet you received in class. If you need another, get one in Mr. Sanger's room (227) or Mr. Pemberton's room (308).
Global 9RS Unit Exam- Ancient River Valley Civilizations
(Egypt, the Hebrews, Mesopotamia, China, India, Hinduism & Buddhism)
Review in class: Monday, 10/27
Test: Friday, 10/31
Make sure you are ready for both!
Monday, October 20, 2008
US History HW Sheet for 10/20/08
SANGER- US History HW Sheet: 10/20 – 11/3
Friday, 10/24: Assignment #8:
Complete MULTIPLE CHOICE Review Questions, #1-40
**Answer questions on packet AND on separate sheet to hand in!**
Tuesday, 10/28: UNIT TEST #1: Revolution to War of 1812
Test contains: Multiple Choice & Essay (either DBQ or thematic)
Monday, 11/3 Assignment #9:
Read p. 212-235 & answer the following questions:
1) Explain IN DETAIL the economic differences between the North and the South in the earl 19th century. How are these two economies linked?
2) What effect did changes in transportation have on the migration of people west?
3) Describe the importance of the Supreme Court case of McCullough v. Maryland (1819).
4) What is the spoils system? Describe how President Andrew Jackson used it.
5) In detail, explain the causes and effects of President Jackson’s problems and battles with the National Bank.
Friday, 10/24: Assignment #8:
Complete MULTIPLE CHOICE Review Questions, #1-40
**Answer questions on packet AND on separate sheet to hand in!**
Tuesday, 10/28: UNIT TEST #1: Revolution to War of 1812
Test contains: Multiple Choice & Essay (either DBQ or thematic)
Monday, 11/3 Assignment #9:
Read p. 212-235 & answer the following questions:
1) Explain IN DETAIL the economic differences between the North and the South in the earl 19th century. How are these two economies linked?
2) What effect did changes in transportation have on the migration of people west?
3) Describe the importance of the Supreme Court case of McCullough v. Maryland (1819).
4) What is the spoils system? Describe how President Andrew Jackson used it.
5) In detail, explain the causes and effects of President Jackson’s problems and battles with the National Bank.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
USH&G Update on 10/7
Hey class-
Remember that Constitution Quiz #2 is changed to TUESDAY, 10/7.
Also, your project is now due on THURSDAY, 10/9. Be ready to present!
Assignment #5/6 is STILL due on Thursday, 10/9. You'll get a new homework sheet on Tuesday, 10/14.
Mr. Sanger
Remember that Constitution Quiz #2 is changed to TUESDAY, 10/7.
Also, your project is now due on THURSDAY, 10/9. Be ready to present!
Assignment #5/6 is STILL due on Thursday, 10/9. You'll get a new homework sheet on Tuesday, 10/14.
Mr. Sanger
Global 9RS Assignment Sheet for 10/6 - 10/17
GLOBAL 9RS – HOMEWORK October 6 - 17
**All work must be completed in full sentences**
Due Wednesday, October 8 - ASSIGNMENT #8
- Read Text p. 52 (paragraphs 14-16)
- Write a few paragraphs explaining the achievements/inventions of early chinese civilization
Due Friday, October 10 - ASSIGNMENT #9- Read Text p. 48-53
- Complete p. 54 Vocabulary review
Due Wednesday, October 15 - ASSIGNMENT #10
- Use your book/notes to define/explain the following terms:
1. pharaoh
2. Irrigation
3. Fertile crescent
4. Code of Hammurabi
5. Mandate of Heaven
6. Dynasty
7. polytheism
8. monotheism
9. Geography
10. Cultural diffusion
Due Friday, October 17 - ASSIGNMENT #EXTRA CREDIT- Complete a World Current Event Summary – On a separate
sheet of paper include: Article source, date, location of event, summary, and explain why the event is important/significant – ATTACH ARTICLE
*This must be a world not a local event!
**All work must be completed in full sentences**
Due Wednesday, October 8 - ASSIGNMENT #8
- Read Text p. 52 (paragraphs 14-16)
- Write a few paragraphs explaining the achievements/inventions of early chinese civilization
Due Friday, October 10 - ASSIGNMENT #9- Read Text p. 48-53
- Complete p. 54 Vocabulary review
Due Wednesday, October 15 - ASSIGNMENT #10
- Use your book/notes to define/explain the following terms:
1. pharaoh
2. Irrigation
3. Fertile crescent
4. Code of Hammurabi
5. Mandate of Heaven
6. Dynasty
7. polytheism
8. monotheism
9. Geography
10. Cultural diffusion
Due Friday, October 17 - ASSIGNMENT #EXTRA CREDIT- Complete a World Current Event Summary – On a separate
sheet of paper include: Article source, date, location of event, summary, and explain why the event is important/significant – ATTACH ARTICLE
*This must be a world not a local event!
Monday, September 22, 2008
USH&G Assignment Sheet #2, 9/22
SANGER US 11R HW sheet for 9/22 – 10/7
**PLEASE use THIS HEADING on every assignment you hand in:
Name Date
Assignment # and specifics
Monday, 9/22: introduce project
Monday, 9/29 QUIZ: US Constitution Part I
Friday, 10/3 QUIZ: US Constitution Part II
Tuesday, 10/7: Make Your Own Country & Constitution Project due, project presentations begin
Thursday, 10/9: Assignment #5 & 6
Read p. 182 – 208
Answer these questions:
1) Name & explain two precedents set by George Washington
during his presidency.
2) Name, compare & contrast the first two political parties.
3) Describe & explain the Alien & Sedition Acts.
4) Explain the Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions. What was the point of these?
5) What precedent is set by the Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison (1803)?
6) Explain the controversy surrounding the Louisiana Purchase.
7) Name & explain two main causes of the War of 1812.
**PLEASE use THIS HEADING on every assignment you hand in:
Name Date
Assignment # and specifics
Monday, 9/22: introduce project
Monday, 9/29 QUIZ: US Constitution Part I
Friday, 10/3 QUIZ: US Constitution Part II
Tuesday, 10/7: Make Your Own Country & Constitution Project due, project presentations begin
Thursday, 10/9: Assignment #5 & 6
Read p. 182 – 208
Answer these questions:
1) Name & explain two precedents set by George Washington
during his presidency.
2) Name, compare & contrast the first two political parties.
3) Describe & explain the Alien & Sedition Acts.
4) Explain the Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions. What was the point of these?
5) What precedent is set by the Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison (1803)?
6) Explain the controversy surrounding the Louisiana Purchase.
7) Name & explain two main causes of the War of 1812.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Global 9RS Assignment Sheet 9/15-9/19
**All work must be completed in full sentences.**
Due Wendesday, September 17: Assignment #3-Read . 26-31
-Complete p. 32 Vocabulary Review #1-7
-Complete p. 29 Skill Builder/Maps #1-4
Due Friday, September 19: Assignment #4-Read p. 18-23
-Complete p. 24 Vocabulary Review #1, 3,4,5,6,7
-Complete p. 24 Skill Builder: Reading a Table #1,2,4,6
Due Wendesday, September 17: Assignment #3-Read . 26-31
-Complete p. 32 Vocabulary Review #1-7
-Complete p. 29 Skill Builder/Maps #1-4
Due Friday, September 19: Assignment #4-Read p. 18-23
-Complete p. 24 Vocabulary Review #1, 3,4,5,6,7
-Complete p. 24 Skill Builder: Reading a Table #1,2,4,6
Monday, September 8, 2008
PartiGov Homework Assignment Sheet #1
Hey everyone. Here's your PartiGov homework this week:
Tuesday, 9/9: Assignment #1--> Return signed "Letter to Parents"
Thursday, 9/11: Assignment #2--> Article Summary Assignment #1
I haven't been able to upload the Cover Sheet template yet, but here are the directions in case you need them:
1) Type a full page summarizing and discussing the important points of the article. Use the questions above to start you out. This is to be written in paragraph form, not points or bullets. It should have an introduction, middle, and conclusion. Points will be taken off for editing mistakes. Typed assignments are to be in 12 point Times New Roman font.
2) At least one well-written paragraph at the END of your summary should be your opinion on the article you have just summarized. This should be your INFORMED stance on the issue discussed, NOT a critique on how the article was written. Make sure you pick an article that deals with government (local, state, or federal) and that interests you.
3) Staple your article and summary to the back of this sheet.
4) The article summary is due the first day of class every week (usually Monday or Tuesday).
5) You lose 10 points PER DAY that the assignment is late. After 1 week late it is a ZERO. Hand it in on time!
6) REMEMBER YOUR ARTICLE AND ITS IMPORTANCE!!! You will be asked to discuss your article during class.
Tuesday, 9/9: Assignment #1--> Return signed "Letter to Parents"
Thursday, 9/11: Assignment #2--> Article Summary Assignment #1
I haven't been able to upload the Cover Sheet template yet, but here are the directions in case you need them:
1) Type a full page summarizing and discussing the important points of the article. Use the questions above to start you out. This is to be written in paragraph form, not points or bullets. It should have an introduction, middle, and conclusion. Points will be taken off for editing mistakes. Typed assignments are to be in 12 point Times New Roman font.
2) At least one well-written paragraph at the END of your summary should be your opinion on the article you have just summarized. This should be your INFORMED stance on the issue discussed, NOT a critique on how the article was written. Make sure you pick an article that deals with government (local, state, or federal) and that interests you.
3) Staple your article and summary to the back of this sheet.
4) The article summary is due the first day of class every week (usually Monday or Tuesday).
5) You lose 10 points PER DAY that the assignment is late. After 1 week late it is a ZERO. Hand it in on time!
6) REMEMBER YOUR ARTICLE AND ITS IMPORTANCE!!! You will be asked to discuss your article during class.
US History Homework Assignment Sheet #1
Welcome back to school everyone! Here is the US History assignment sheet starting on 9/6:
SANGER US 11R HW sheet for 9/6 – 9/18
**PLEASE use THIS HEADING on every assignment you hand in:
Name Date
Assignment # and specifics
Monday, 9/8: Assignment #1: Return signed “Letter to Parents”
Wednesday, 9/10: Assignment #2: Cover book, bring it to class
Friday, 9/12: Assignment #3
Read p. 85 - 89, 94 – 125
Answer the following:
1) Analyze and explain this statement: “The American Revolution could be
called the first American civil war.”
2) Explain the role of EACH of these groups during the Revolution:
a) women c) Loyalists e) the French
b) blacks/ slaves d) foreigner leaders in the Continental Army
3) Describe and name THREE significant battles of the American
Tuesday, 9/16: QUIZ #1 From Revolution to Constitution QUIZ
Thursday, 9/18: Assignment #4
Read p. 130 - 149
1) Name & explain TWO successes of the Continental Congress under the Article of Confederation (AOC).
2) What powers did the Continental Congress LACK under the AOC?
3) What did Shays’ Rebellion show the young American nation?
4) Describe the main conflict between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. What did each group stand for?
Post to the site or e-mail me at psanger@ichabodcrane.org if you have any questions! Good luck!
Mr. Sanger
SANGER US 11R HW sheet for 9/6 – 9/18
**PLEASE use THIS HEADING on every assignment you hand in:
Name Date
Assignment # and specifics
Monday, 9/8: Assignment #1: Return signed “Letter to Parents”
Wednesday, 9/10: Assignment #2: Cover book, bring it to class
Friday, 9/12: Assignment #3
Read p. 85 - 89, 94 – 125
Answer the following:
1) Analyze and explain this statement: “The American Revolution could be
called the first American civil war.”
2) Explain the role of EACH of these groups during the Revolution:
a) women c) Loyalists e) the French
b) blacks/ slaves d) foreigner leaders in the Continental Army
3) Describe and name THREE significant battles of the American
Tuesday, 9/16: QUIZ #1 From Revolution to Constitution QUIZ
Thursday, 9/18: Assignment #4
Read p. 130 - 149
1) Name & explain TWO successes of the Continental Congress under the Article of Confederation (AOC).
2) What powers did the Continental Congress LACK under the AOC?
3) What did Shays’ Rebellion show the young American nation?
4) Describe the main conflict between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. What did each group stand for?
Post to the site or e-mail me at psanger@ichabodcrane.org if you have any questions! Good luck!
Mr. Sanger
Monday, July 14, 2008
Your vote WILL count...

Hi everyone-
Our presidential candidates have been determined for about five weeks now, and the table is set: Republican Senator John McCain (Arizona) vs. Democrat Senator Barack Obama (Illinois). Now it is up to us to vote for them on the November 4, 2008. Before we decide for whom to vote, we must be educated citizens. I urge you to visit this website:
Washington Post Election 2008 Website
This site, created by the Washington Post, is a good website to start gathering information on the candidates and the issues. Although it is not totally bereft of bias (notice the Barack Obama ad that often comes up!), it is a quality source. Follow its links to other sites, such as those of the candidates themselves, and help to elect our next president. I know many of you will not have the ability to vote in this election, but it is important to stay informed about these men in such a crucial time period for out nation and the world. Good luck!
Mr. Sanger
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
History reading for the summer (or anytime really)

Hello all-
Many of you asked me toward the end of the year what some good history books are to read during the summer, both for education and enjoyment. Here I have compiled a short list of some of my favorite books that I have read. Some are nonfiction and some are historical fiction, but all of them really spoke to me in some way. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara: The movie "Gettysburg" is loosely based on this historical fiction novel. I say "loosely" because they share very little in common other than they were both based around the Battle of Gettysburg (the movie is terribly inaccurate). This is an amazing book that examines the battle through the eyes of some of the major men involved- Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, James Longstreet, and Robert E. Lee, just to name a few. As you all know, Gettysburg is my Graceland so I might be a bit biased here. But it DID win a Pulitzer Prize!
1776 by David McCullough: Remembering back to the beginning of the year, many of you were shocked to hear that General George Washington was not the great military leader you were taught he was in middle school. This book examines his early victories and failures during the American Revolution in a very readable, relatable style. McCullough takes you inside the mind of one of America's most important founding fathers, and you will find that, although he is treated sometimes like a god, he is a very mortal man.
For Cause and Comrades by James McPherson: This short Civil War book examines the reasons young men went off to fight. It really details how millions of American boys were willing to throw their lives away to "see the elephant," or battle during the American Civil War. I put this one up because we always discussed the mind set of the average soldier and their motivations during war. This book analyzes that idea amazingly well.
Band Of Brothers by Stephen E. Ambrose: This fantastic World War II book is the true story of E-Company of the 101st Airborne division. They were one of the first groups of men to jump out of a plane with only a parachute to guide them, and their story is remarkable. It is told from the perspective of these living legends in a truly social history standpoint. We see what the real men did, not the generals. The men of E-Company saw every major battle in the European theater after the Normandy Invasion, and their story in priceless.
There are four amazing suggestions for you. If you do read them, let me know how you enjoyed them on here or in the fall. Have a great summer!
Mr. Sanger
The envelope please...
Great news!
Everyone in my US History & Government 11 classes needs to get themselves a huge pat on the back. You all did fantastic work on the Regents exam that you took on Friday, June 20th. For the second straight year, 100% of my students passed the exam! You guys were great! At the same time, 75% of you that took the exam achieved Mastery status, scoring an 85 or above! I could not be more proud of you, especially with all the hard work you put in this year. Teachers who graded the test commented to me how well you all wrote your thematic and DBQs. Excellent work everybody! Hopefully we will see you in Participatory Government next year! Have an awesome summer!
Mr. Sanger
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Educational Computing and Social Studies
Welcome to everyone reading this. This blog will be used to discuss the social studies, education, and the varied experiences of teaching. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I'll include a link of my calendar of major events as well later on. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions you wish.
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